GEO-HAZ provides environmental assessment & impact services in support of real estate transactions, conservation easements, projects on Federal land, and on large land parcels.
We perform Phase 1 ESAs and Transaction Screen Reports according to ASTM Standards E1527-05 and 1528-06.These assessments are required by many lenders in real estate transactions, and by the holders of conservation easements in rural areas.
GEO-HAZ has performed numerous Mineable Resource Assessments for landowners who wish to place conservation easements on their properties, but who do not own 100% of the mineral rights. Because most conservation easements prohibit surface mining, the holders of the easement must be assured that the probability of mining is "so remote as to be negligible".
We routinely write the Geology and Soils sections of EAs and EISs, or contribute basic geologic data to the EIS Team. In some cases where geologic issues are critical, we have performed pre-NEPA studies to quantify the hazard and risk, and we have proposed EIS Alternatives that specifically reduce geological hazards.
Landowners who own thousands to tens of thousands of acres often institute their own resource management plans. GEO-HAZ can help this effort by setting up a simple GIS system that contains natural resource inventory layers, infrastructure layers, or any other map layers the owner desires. These layers can be updated by the owner/manager, without the need to hire a GIS professional.
Since 1991 GEO-HAZ has applied leading-edge science to the real-world needs of project owners, land owners, and managers in the area of environmental inventories and assessments.