GEO-HAZ Consulting Inc.


The educational arm of GEO-HAZ is named the Crestone Science Center (CSC), and is located in Crestone, Colorado, USA.


CSC offers Short Courses on active faulting, paleoseismology, and seismic hazard analysis. We offer a 1- to 3-day short course on "Paleoseismology in Seismic Hazard Assessment" through the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists. The course is approved for Continuing Education credits. For more information see



Since 2001 CSC has taught a 2-week field course on "Field Methods in Neotectonics and Paleoseismology" in Crestone, Colorado. Attendees have included graduate students in geology, professors of geology, full-time consultants, State Geological Survey geologists, and Federal geologists. For more information, go the Crestone Science Center website.

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