GEO-HAZ Consulting Inc.


GEO-HAZ provides geologic mapping services for nearly every client, at scales ranging from site scale (1:1200 and smaller) to regional scale (1:24,000-1:50,000). These maps are based on original field observations, photogeologic mapping from stereo airphotos, and compilation from previously published geologic maps of the study area.


We customize the type of geologic map for the intended use. For geologic exploration we produce traditional 2D bedrock geologic maps that emphasize stratigraphic units and structures. For land developments and general engineering we produce surficial geologic maps, which emphasize Quaternary (unconsolidated) deposits, their engineering properties, and active geologic processes. For engineering projects we produce an engineering geologic map and link the 2D map with borehole information to make a 3D geologic database. All our maps are produced in a GIS environment and are exportable to the client's GIS or CAD system.


Past GEO-HAZ maps include the following:

  1. General-purpose geologic maps for Federal and State agencies (for examples, see GEOLOGIC MAPS)
  2. Surficial geologic maps for land developments and planning.
  3. Site-scale geologic maps emphasizing one aspect of geology, such as a Landslide Inventory Map.
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