GEO-HAZ Consulting Inc.


truck-and-me-at-Suncrest-CLIP4GEO-HAZ provides consulting services in applied earth sciences, that is, earth science applied to human use of the earth's surface and shallow subsurface. We mainly map, analyze, and recommend mitigation for development projects that either impact the earthв's surface, or are impacted by it.

Projects range from large engineering works to small developments; from geologic hazards to environmental impact assessments to mineable resource assessments; from historic road and trail use to GIS map production. We work closely with civil/structural engineers and planners to design with nature, rather than against nature.

Since 1991 GEO-HAZ has assisted dozens of clients on more than 100 projects, helping to get development approvals, particularly where geologic issues were a concern. Some non-proprietary projects are described on our DOWNLOADS page, along with the scientific papers that back them up.

If your project is on the earth's surface, we can help.

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